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Brian's Salvation

I grew up in a strong Christian family. We were in church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. There never was a time that we considered missing church. When God convicted my heart about salvation on Easter of 2005, I was ready to accept Him as my personal Saviour. Though now I fully believe that Jesus saved me that night when I first asked Him, I struggled with doubts of my salvation for many years afterwards. I thought that because I did not feel saved, I must not be. I vividly remember understanding the assurance that the Holy Spirit can give while I was attending Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, Kentucky. Pastor Jeff Fugate preached from John 10:28 that when my Father saved me, He also kept me, and I can never be taken away.

Kaitlyn's Salvation

My family was reached by my pastor while he was out soul-winning one day. We attended church off and on for about ten years before we started coming faithfully. When I was twelve years-old, I attended a Kings Kids program, and on one particular day, the teacher went around the room asking everyone if they had trusted Christ as their Saviour. I realized then that I had never experienced this. When I arrived home, I started asking my Mom questions about salvation. She showed me the gospel, and I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. 

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